13. The End of Science
This is the thirteenth article in the series From Particles to Angels . If you are interested in this article you should read the previous articles in the series in order, beginning with the first ( On Happiness ). In the preamble to The Scientific Creation Myth I stated that our program in these articles was "to accept everything that there is in science, everything that is demonstrably part of reality, but we also want to add to that the magical universe offered by religion, so that rather than choosing one or the other subset of reality as all of reality, one box or the other, we have a religion that is a superset containing science within it." Toward this end: "By clearly laying out the boundaries of science we will hopefully see that it is a small island of light, growing a little each day, in a large and limitless darkness of the unknown, like Newton's ocean of Truth, pregnant with possibility." We than gave a quick history of the universe as given by ...