7. Mysteries of Light - Part 2
This is the seventh article in the series From Particles to Angels . If you are interested in this article you should read the previous articles in the series in order, beginning with the first ( On Happiness ). In Mysteries of Light - Part 1 we talked about two of the paradoxes of light: the particle-wave duality, and the constancy of it's speed. Before looking at the modern interpretation of the particle-wave duality, I'd like to talk a little about the role and status of light in modern physics, at least as far as my understanding goes. Fundamental Particles and Forces In a way, the story of the development of physics and chemistry and science in general has been about explaining more and more with less and less. Since ancient times, human beings have imagined that the great diversity of things that exist; trees, animals, rocks and clouds; were composed of a few simple elements. The ancients suggested these might be earth, water, air, fire; and the aether. This concep...